Christer Bjorkman, Kitty de Jong and Jane Dee formed Three Cities Photography after meeting at a street photography workshop in Paris in September 2021. Since then we have produced the photobook Paris Paris Paris together, and have begun work on a second book of our street photographs. We are currently working together on a documentary project about quirky shops in our home cities of Uppsala, Amsterdam and Glasgow.

Christer Björkman enjoys street photography and architecture. He likes travelling but most of his pictures are from Uppsala, Sweden where he lives. Everyday street life and human interactions are key elements in many of his pictures. He happily explores other, perhaps too many, genres in photography. Christer’s ongoing journey in search for his ‘voice’ as a photographer is full of humps and challenges but also many inspirational meetings and joyful moments.
Jane Dee lives in Glasgow, Scotland. She was given her first camera in 1984 when she was leaving home to spend a year in China, and she has been making photographs ever since. For Jane, street photography is a way of exploring her own city and others she visits. She loves its many chance encounters and is grateful for the portraits people so generously allow her to create.

Kitty de Jong lives in Amsterdam. She started making photographs during her travels, but then went on to explore other genres. She loves simplicity in her photos and is fascinated by light. In recent years she has begun to take her photography more seriously and has focused more on street photography. It is a way for her to see the beauty of a city and its people in a different way, and it challenges her to get out of her comfort zone.